Beauty of a Butterfly:
A Trauma Healing Conference Overview

“By living a transformed life with a renewed mind, we become all God intended us to be. We live according to the way God designed us; in this way we are free to fly”.

Are you ready for the challenge? Come join us as we join together as a unified in the body of Christ to declare the goodness of the Lord, push out of our trauma, and learn how to fight for our own hearts, and the hearts of the ones we love so dearly. We can’t wait to see you!

Program Agenda

8:30 am

Registration & Continental Breakfast

Morning Events

  • Welcome

  • Praise Break

  • Healing and Transformation from Addition
    Shirley Wanderski

  • General Session Part 1: Is It Safe to Stay in the Cocoon?
    Rose Lee, Trauma Specialist Coach

  • General Session Part 2: Breakthrough Courage—No Longer Held Captive
    Rose Lee, Trauma Specialist Coach

11:55 am - 12:30 pm


12:35 pm - 1: 30 pm

Individual Break Sessions

  • Marriage Cycles
    Transformation in Marriage
    Cynthia Massie
    Healing in Marriage
    Dr. Felicia Thompson

  • Widowed Cycles
    Transformation and Acceptance without a Spouse
    Rose Lee & Nancy Pruchnicki

  • Singles Cycles
    Single, Waiting, and Whole
    Dr. Viviann Jones & Shirley Wanderski

1:30 pm - 3:35 pm

General Session Part 3: Praise through Movement—Transformation of a Butterfly Presentation
Mrs. Lisa Kleinhans

Alter Prayer & Adjournment

Agenda is subject to change

Conference Speakers

  • Shirely Wanderski

    Born and raised in Chicago where she lives, she has 3 children grand and great grandchildren. She has been a Christian for 12 years and living free from substance abuse and Sober for 32 years. Everyone story is different, but we connect at the heart. Shirley will share her story of how she journeyed through addiction and found her way to Christ.

  • Cynthia Massie

    Committed her life to Jesus Christ in September 1982. She was connected to Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) and spent the next several years in a one-on-one discipleship relationship with Viviann Jones. During those years, she grew in love with Jesus, and His word and helped others know Jesus and develop a relationship with Him. She met her husband, Milton, at the Agape Center (Cru’s ministry on the south side of Chicago) around the same time. They were married in 1984 and joined Cru in 1986. They continue to serve as missionaries, giving national leadership to the inner-city ministry of Cru. Cynthia and Milton are passionate about people coming to know Jesus and growing up in their faith through whole-person discipleship. They have two adult children their son (Zach (married to Antoinette) and daughter Sarah.

  • Rose Lee

    With the song “Street Life” by the Crusaders played in the background, as images of Chicago street life displayed on the 1978 projector screen, Rose’s heart and soul was moved with compassion for the people of her City. Realizing “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few”. This 17-year-old made the commitment to work in the harvest fields of the Roseland Community as a Student Missionary with Campus Crusade for Christ International. While at work, she met and married Frank S. Lee Jr. in 1985. Through their union, 6 children joined their parents in ministry. Frank was called to Pastor the Kendrick Memorial Missionary Baptist Church, located a few miles north of the Roseland area. After Frank’s death in 2009, Rose reunited with ministry friends of her youth as a member of Faith Christian Church. As FCC experienced the move of God into the work of Trauma, Rose’s heart was again moved to labor in this field. Throughout her life Rose Myatt Lee has accomplished many things; She holds a bachelor’s degree of Science in Psychology, worked several years as a trainer in the area of social services, completed work towards an MBA, incorporated and served as President of the Myleer Corporation which she and Frank launched in 2002. Rose has served as Children’s Church Director, Youth, Adult and Women's Ministry Leader, and National Baptist Convention Instructor. She is an artist, singer, and speaker. Rose’s greatest accomplishment is her affiliation with the work of Equipping His People. Through this work of Trauma Healing, she has seen the greatest impact of God’s work in the harvest fields and lives of others around the world. She attends Faith Church in Chicago Heights, Illinois.

  • Dr. Felecia Thompson

    Dr. Felecia Thompson is a native of Iowa but raised on the south side of Chicago. She is the mother of two grown daughters and has been married for 46 years to Steven. Felecia received her Bachelor of Arts & Science from DePaul University, a Master of Science from Spertus College and received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Bakke Graduate University in Seattle, WA. Felecia has also gone through senior management training with ServiceMaster Corporation and the John Templeton Institute’s program for non-profit board leadership and fundraising. Dr. Thompson’s teaching gifts have given her instructional roles at Moody Bible Institute, Trinity Christian College, and Northern Seminary, North Park University and as a conference presenter. Her administrative and leadership gifts have been utilized with the DeVos Family Foundation’s Urban Leadership Initiative, Trinity Christian College, the Family Care Network her first Not-for-Profit Launch and then Resilient (a project of Christ Church of Oak Brook). Felecia currently serves on boards for Together Chicago, for Biblica (The International Bible Society) and for the Rosemoor Community Association where she lives. She has directed community partnership programs for Trinity Christian College, as associate to the President. At World Vision, where she served as Executive Director of its Chicagoland operations and as Domestic Mission Director for Christ Church of Oak Brook. While at Christ Church of Oak Brook, Felecia was an Adjunct Professor of Formation at Northern Seminary. She has now retired from full-time work but serves as a Facilitator of Micah Intensives for Fuller Theological Seminary and at Logan Prison, IL via North Park. One of her most valued roles is to serve as a mentor and friend to several women leaders in Chicago and around the world.

  • Lisa Kleinhans

    Born in Chicago and lives in Indiana with her husband Todd. She is no stranger to conferences; Lisa has been giving her wisdom and knowledge through speaking and praising God through movement for quite some time. She is a daughter, sister, aunt, mother, Nana, wife, and a child of the Most High God. Lisa has over 35 years of teaching experience with primary through elementary school especially with children with special needs. She loves and enjoys her gift of teaching, and it is expressed with her uniqueness of art, crafting, and praise through movement. She enjoys teaching all ages how to express their love for God through movement. Her love of God is expressed through her joy of serving people“ your hands are made for service” is an expression of her love for God. She enjoys nature, music, writing, and seeing her grandchildren grow. Her relationship with God is filled with passion and prayer. She is a home organizer, and planner for those in need of her expertise. She and Todd are members of Suncrest Christian Church in St Johns, Indiana.

  • Dr. Viviann Jones

    Born and lives in Chicago. She is number 7 of 13 siblings 10 girls and 3 boys. She has one daughter Dhawnaca and two grandchildren. Growing up in this family is where she gained the strength, and character to preserve through various trials. Dr. Viviannicole’s Faith Journey:” I believe the salvation of lost and sinful people can only be given through the shed blood of Jesus, by accepting His death and resurrection for the payment of my eternal damnation. I accepted the Lord at 13 years, (July 23, 1973) and it has been an experience. My spiritual journey has not been perfect but, I’m committed to a life with Christ. I also am devoted to showing the power of Christ through deliberate deliverance ministries, interactions in teaching, communicating, and involving myself in connections to reflect the diversity of our great God”. Receiving opportunities in education she has received her Doctorate in Business(DBA), MBA in Finance, and BS undergraduate degree in Accounting. God also gave her the opportunities in spiritual education where she was blessed to become an Ordained Minister, received a Doctorate in Divinity, and is a Certified Christian Counselor from the School of Biblical Studies Seminary. She is involved with groups like Campus Crusade for Christ(CRU), TPSM-Foster Care, Prison, and Homeless Ministries, spending time on short term mission projects, summer camps, a teacher of biblical studies, speaker at Women Conferences and the Founder of Feminar Ministries. She has learned through continued discipleship, reading God’s word, counsel from others, how to live in this life. God has shown her how to be free and living a life of legalism is not freedom but bondage. He has freed her to live a free life through the power of the Holy Spirit and to set the captives free. She takes time to enjoy her family, friends, reading, music, art, animals, and nature trails.

  • Nancy Pruchnicki

    Nancy 71, is a widow, a survivor of Domestic Violence in her first marriage. She has 4 grown children and 8 grand children. She taught preschool for 24 years “ the best years of her life, Director of Kids Clubs (3) and Awana for several years. She is a teacher for Sunday School at Crosswinds Church. She lives in Illinois with her three dogs and a cat. She says, in the midst her two marriages that the Lord has always provided and been there for her.